Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 5 Reflection

Chapter 5 is about administrative software. Being able to choose the best software and use that software effectively is a skill for every educator. Administrative software can be purchased from stores or custom made. It can also be acquired as freeware or shareware. There is a big difference between freeware and shareware and that difference is an important once. An important concept I had never really thought of in the cost of software is the cost of time and effort it takes to install and learn the software. For example you might be able to get your hands on a cheep software that looks like it would be neat to use in the classroom but you spend what seems like forever trying to install and learn it, it would have been better to just buy the more expensive version that is easier to use. The lab for chapter 5 was kidspiration/Inspiration and I really enjoyed using these programs. They will be very useful in a classroom in the future no matter what grade or subject area.

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